At Ferret Technology we believe there’s a better way to fix leaks
than digging lots of holes or relaying the pipe.
We make systems that are robust and simple to use so that you
can find and repair leaks efficiently with minimal impact on your customers and the environment.
About us.
Our Team.
Kevin has spent over 25 years working in the utility industry. He joined Anglian Water in 1988 immediately prior to privatisation. Since then he has been CEO of a number of international businesses including United Utilities Australia, Sofia Water in Bulgaria and ESVAL; the first privatised water company in Chile. Kevin has also been a board member of many high profile listed and private utility companies including Aguas Argentinas in Argentina, Manila Water in the Philippines and Tallinn Water in Estonia. More recently Kevin has worked with a number of global groups including Suez and Mitsubishi, advising on bids and M&A activity. Kevin also works with a number of start-up technology companies in the UK and internationally, as well as advising Governments on their national water policy.
Richard has over 20 years’ experience in the water industry working with water companies and their commercial clients covering all aspects of leakage and network management. His experience has involved hands on operational roles from technician through to senior management level. He co-founded and built a successful commercial leakage contracting company with a turnover of £1.5M per year. He has also held management positions in Thames Water, Mouchel & Premium Bermad UK.
Dr Nathaniel Palmer has 19 years’ experience of high technology engineering and is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer. He spent 5 years at Rolls-Royce PLC which led to a period of aerospace research at Cranfield University. Subsequently, Nathaniel moved across to the fuel cell sector where he worked on new product development and project management in the UK and Europe. Nathaniel joined Ferret Technology in 2010 to design the Ferret leak location system.

Christopher Reichl - Non Exec Director & Co-founder
Chris is a Water Engineer with 12 years broad experience in the design, construction and operation of water networks. He spent 7 years with Thames Water as an Operations Engineer in the Leakage Department running central London districts and then as a Project Engineer in the Water Balance design and construction group. He has worked across all aspects of leakage control from site work to technical design since gaining an MSc in Environmental Engineering at Newcastle University in 1999.
Mike is a Chartered Water Engineer with a background in water and environmental engineering. He has over 35 years of experience working for water companies, consultants and specialist equipment manufacturers. Following a period in Thames Water's R&D department developing products such as Subline, Mike joined Radcom Technologies helping them to maintain their sector lead in the UK and grow their business worldwide. Mike also set up and ran a water management company that provided specialist leak detection and repair services to a wide range of commercial customers.

In the first year of launching
our innovative leak detection system, Ferret Technology
won the award for Outstanding Innovation.
Richard Ingham was presented the award by Mark Worsfold,
Cheif Engineer at OFWAT

Ferret Technology received
the national Institute of Water
award for innovation in 2013.
Mike Ingham collected the
award in Edinburgh from
Professor Martin Cave